Sashka Co. Bracelets Artisan
June 17, 2024

Empowering Artisans: The Ethically Handmade Bracelets of Sashka Co.

Empowering Artisans: The Ethically Handmade Bracelets of Sashka Co.

At Sashka Co., we believe in more than just creating beautiful jewelry; we believe in making a positive impact on the world. Our bracelets are not only stunning pieces of craftsmanship but also symbols of empowerment and ethical production. Handcrafted in Nepal by women-run cooperatives, each bracelet tells a story of skill, dedication, and community support. Here’s how Sashka Co. is making a difference, one bracelet at a time.

The Heart of Sashka Co.: Women-Run Cooperatives

Our journey begins in the picturesque Kathmandu Valley of Nepal, where skilled artisans create each Sashka Co. bracelet by hand. These artisans are part of women-run cooperatives, which play a crucial role in supporting their families and communities. By working together, these women have built a supportive network that promotes economic independence and social empowerment.

Key Aspects of Our Women-Run Cooperatives:

  • Economic Independence: The cooperatives provide women with a sustainable source of income, enabling them to support their families and invest in their communities.
  • Skill Development: Through training and collaboration, artisans hone their craft, preserving traditional techniques while innovating new designs.
  • Community Support: The cooperatives foster a sense of community and solidarity, helping women support each other in their personal and professional lives.

"Working with Sashka Co. has allowed me to provide for my family and feel proud of my work. The cooperative is like a second family to me."

Sashka Co. Original Bracelet Black Black Wrap Bracelet

Artisan Spotlight - Muna Tamang

Muna Tamang moved from the nearby villages of the Kabhre district to Kathmandu soon after she got married. Her husband works as a driver in one of the schools in Kathmandu. When Muna moved to Kathmandu, she had no skills and no opportunity for work. Muna is a mother of two daughters, an 8-year-old and a 4-year-old.

With two young daughters, it became very tough to find work in Kathmandu. Muna needed to find a way to earn a sustainable income while still being able to take care of her young children. She heard about a glass beaded bracelet training program from a friend in the Lalitpur district. She decided to visit the training program and speak with Sashka Co.'s team manager in Nepal. She explained to Muna that she could earn an above-fair wage, build a sustainable small business, and work from the comfort of her home.

Muna attended the training program and quickly learned the art of crocheting. Muna finished the training program in early August of 2016. Since finishing the program, Muna has been able to work from home, earn an above fair wage, and spend time with her children. She has since trained her auntie, sisters, and other neighbors. Muna is now a group leader and manages 130 women. She now earns more than her husband and is the main source of income for their household.

Once her children grow a bit older, Muna wants to move back to her village in the Kabhre district. She plans to train and provide work to the village women who have no economic opportunity. Muna is very happy that she can now work at home and spend time with her young children.

Ethical Production: Fair Wages and Safe Working Conditions

At Sashka Co., we are committed to ethical production practices. We ensure that all artisans working with our cooperatives receive fair wages that exceed local standards. This commitment to fair trade principles helps improve the quality of life for the artisans and their families.

Sashka Co. Bag / Story Card Mixed Colors Handmade Bracelet Bag

Our Ethical Commitments:

  • Fair Wages: Artisans are paid above fair-trade wages, ensuring they can support their families and achieve financial stability.
  • Safe Working Conditions: We prioritize the health and safety of our artisans, providing a supportive and secure working environment.
  • Sustainable Practices: Our production methods are designed to minimize environmental impact, promoting sustainability and responsible resource use.

"Knowing that my work is valued and that I am part of a team makes all the difference. I can provide for my children and invest in their education."  -Devi Shrestha

The Art of Handmade Craftsmanship

Each Sashka Co. bracelet is a testament to the artistry and dedication of our artisans. The intricate beadwork and vibrant designs reflect the skill and creativity that go into every piece. Using the finest glass beads, our artisans create bracelets that are not only beautiful but also durable and long-lasting.

The Craftsmanship Behind Our Bracelets:

  • Handcrafted Excellence: Each bracelet is meticulously handmade, showcasing the artisan’s expertise and attention to detail.
  • Vibrant Designs: Our bracelets feature a wide range of colors and patterns, inspired by the rich cultural heritage of Nepal.
  • Quality Materials: We use only the highest quality glass beads, ensuring that each bracelet is both beautiful and durable.

"I love the vibrant colors and intricate designs of my Sashka Co. bracelet. It's a beautiful piece of jewelry that also supports a great cause."

Making a Difference: Supporting Women and Communities

By choosing Sashka Co. bracelets, you are not only adding a beautiful accessory to your collection but also making a meaningful impact. Your purchase supports the women artisans of Nepal, helping them achieve economic independence and improve their quality of life.

Impact of Your Purchase:

  • Empowering Women: Your support helps women artisans gain financial independence and confidence.
  • Strengthening Communities: The cooperatives invest in local communities, supporting education, healthcare, and other essential services.

"Wearing my Sashka Co. bracelet makes me feel connected to the artisans who made it. It's a reminder that we can all make a difference through our choices."

Join Us in Empowering Artisans one Glass Bead Bracelet at a time.

Explore our collection of ethically handmade bracelets and discover the beauty of Sashka Co. Glass Bead Bracelets. Each piece is a celebration of skill, craftsmanship, and empowerment. By choosing our bracelets, you are supporting women-run cooperatives in Nepal and helping make a difference in the lives of others. Shop with us today and be part of a movement that values quality, ethics, and community support.